Topic | Bills | The Sydney Morning Herald

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The world is a bin fire, so why am I angry at a sink?

The world is a bin fire, so why am I angry at a sink?

There is a lot to be furious about in the world right now, in the face of it all we are frustratingly impotent. We need targets for our anger, and we find them, everywhere.

  • by Kerri Sackville


Stop fishing for red herrings and start fixing the problems

Stop fishing for red herrings and start fixing the problems

There’s an urgent need to lessen the cost-of-living crisis, provide more homes and drive investment. Playing the blame game is not helping anyone.

  • by Bran Black
Ordinary workers ‘can’t keep up’ with mortgages, rent and bills – even with multiple jobs

Ordinary workers ‘can’t keep up’ with mortgages, rent and bills – even with multiple jobs

Working Australians, some with multiple jobs, are inundating financial counselling services at COVID-era levels as interest rates and inflation make life unaffordable.

  • by Shane Wright
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry makes millions from increasing certificate fees in cost-of-living crisis

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry makes millions from increasing certificate fees in cost-of-living crisis

The Greens will introduce a bill in the next sitting week in an attempt to block further privatisation of government services.

  • by Broede Carmody
Here’s what you’ll be paying more for from today

Here’s what you’ll be paying more for from today

Water bills, car registration and a levy on ride-share and taxi trips are among the areas hit with price rises.

  • by Broede Carmody and Kieran Rooney
Government’s clean power shift not happening fast enough, says grid operator

Government’s clean power shift not happening fast enough, says grid operator

The energy market operator has warned not enough renewable energy generators, batteries and transmission lines are being built in time to replace coal-fired energy.

  • by Mike Foley and Nick Toscano
Richard is unhappy his rates are rising. How does your suburb fare?

Richard is unhappy his rates are rising. How does your suburb fare?

The 54-year-old will have to find an extra $81.27 a year; for others, it will be closer to $200. Search our full list to see how much you will pay.

  • by Felicity Caldwell and Tony Moore
Can you really turn your house into a power plant?

Can you really turn your house into a power plant?

Virtual power plant programs, and the growing number of retail offers being built around them, are coming at a critical moment in the energy transition.

  • by Nick Toscano
Power bills set to fall from July for the first time in two years

Power bills set to fall from July for the first time in two years

Regulator’s move to cap energy prices should provide relief for homes and businesses within weeks.

  • by Nick Toscano
What Australians plan to do with their $300 energy bill subsidy

What Australians plan to do with their $300 energy bill subsidy

Most Australians say they will use it to increase savings or pay down loans, countering fears of a spending splurge that would fuel inflation.

  • by David Crowe
How the budget was hijacked by a $300 cherry on the top

How the budget was hijacked by a $300 cherry on the top

The energy rebate is a perfectly sensible device to hasten progress in getting inflation down to the target zone.

  • by Ross Gittins