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He was a rising star in the police force, then it all came tumbling down
The experienced investigator was trapped in his crashed, unmarked police car, which had flipped on its side. Drunk and shaken, he still had the capacity to wonder: Was this the suicide attempt he had been planning for months?
That was 10 years ago, and he still doesn’t have the answer.
Tim Peck, a former homicide detective who has returned from the brink of suicide.
In police circles, Tim Peck was a star. A born crook catcher who worked homicide, revelled in the crushing hours, and always put the job first.
He joined the police force on a whim in 1994 when a workmate at the steelworks said he had signed up. But once in, he wanted to be an investigator and set his sights on the homicide squad. He wanted to be the best, and anything that stood in the way would have to be discarded.
“From the outside I was flying. I didn’t apply for jobs, but was invited to apply and got the position. If people didn’t work as hard as me, I would kick them out,” he says.
Sure there were warning signs. Five years earlier, full of booze after attending a colleague’s farewell, he stacked a car and ran off. He didn’t lose his licence but escaped with a fine.
Tim Peck (middle) graduates from the Police Academy.
“I went to work, and it was as if nothing had happened. I was one of the boys. I liked a beer and worked hard,” he says.
Back then, policing was exclusively a results business, and as long as you did your bit, just about anything else could be forgiven.
He adhered to the three unspoken rules of policing. “Don’t go sick on night shift, don’t lose a fight and don’t lag on your mates.”
Then in October 2014 there was the collision that cost him his job and probably saved his life. He couldn’t see a future outside policing, but when that was taken from him, he found a pathway by helping others.
Running out of options, he had told his wife in August that year he would be dead by Christmas. He was considering deliberately driving his car into a stationary object while drunk, as it could be written off as a fatal accident.
Now in the overturned car, his survival instincts kicked in. Released from the vehicle, he refused a breath test and took a train to Warrnambool. When he charged his phone in a pub it gave away his location and he was found.
Suicidal, suspended from the police force and in danger of losing his family, he put forward the reasons he should kill himself to his psychologist. “He said it was a compelling argument, but suggested I talk to the people I would leave behind.”
The Invisible Obvious – a must-read for emergency service workers.
He also encouraged Peck to write a journal to aid his recovery.
It has now been published in the raw and riveting book The Invisible Obvious, which should be read by all emergency service workers at risk of work-related stress.
“The early hours also brought great sadness. I was by now a functioning alcoholic, and my sleep was often disturbed by my body craving alcohol: as if I had not wiped myself out enough prior to collapsing into a dream-filled coma,” he writes.
“I would wake in those early hours with an overwhelming feeling of guilt and hopelessness – that another day had passed in which I could not manage my alcoholism.
“The easiest way to avoid the death hours was to get moving. I would often exercise at 4am in the gym at the local police station, go for a run or take an early morning swim. Hungover and ill-prepared for exercise, the physical pain at least distracted me from the mental torment I was experiencing.”
After stints at homicide and taskforce policing, Peck had been selected to run 27 of the state’s secret underworld informers – a job where a slip could leave someone dead. He had a top security clearance and was among Victoria’s most trusted detectives.
No one in authority seemed to know their elite investigator was unravelling.
There were missing persons cases where the victims were murdered, but the investigators couldn’t find the bodies.
While the detectives were told that family came first, it was always the investigation that was the priority. In one murder case, Peck’s team worked until 2am and was told not to return to work until midday. When he arrived, his boss had completed all the paperwork. “He must have been in at 7am, and so I thought, ‘I want to be the best detective so that (coming in late) won’t happen again’.”
Then there were the nightmares that included a black creature invading his body. The only way to escape was to stay awake. The only way to sleep was to drink.
He became obsessed with death, wondering what it would feel like to be shot. Then there were the flashbacks to crime scenes and victims, often children.
“I was on the piss all the time. I was ashamed, so I wouldn’t drink at home, which meant I was staying out until the early hours. I tried to give up the grog, but I couldn’t. I was sleeping about three hours a night,” he wrote.
“I went to a counsellor because my wife demanded it, but I just told lies. I would put a mask on to go to work.” Peck only agreed to professional help if it was outside the workplace. Under no circumstances would he let the organisation know he was struggling.
Sadly, that is all too common.
Beyond Blue and internal Victoria Police surveys indicate that more than 30 per cent of police would not tell management if they had mental health concerns.
In his book he recalls: “Having little sleep, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, alcohol dependency, depressed moods and panic attacks had become my norm. I thought this was the cost of being a superstar detective – a price I was willing to pay.”
“I could not see a life away from policing,” he writes.
“Today I would get help, but I am not blaming the police force. I made my own decisions,” he told me.
He wanted a better life and to spend time with his family, but that would come later. “There is always another promotion to chase, another investigation to complete, another strategy to develop,” he writes.
“When I had achieved my last promotion, many wise and respected members of the police force had warned me of the need to take care of myself. As usual, I knew best and ignored them. What would they know?”
I went to a counsellor because my wife demanded it, but I just told lies. I would put a mask on to go to work.
Tim Peck
Suspended and then sacked from policing, he gave up alcohol and went about rebuilding his shattered relationships with his wife and children while completing a master’s in counselling and psychotherapy.
If he couldn’t be a cop, he would help cops to not become the cop he had become.
Smart and driven, in 2016 he was appointed the manager of the Beyond Blue Police and Emergency Services Program, then worked in the welfare arm of the Police Association and now is the deputy director of the Centre of Excellence for Emergency Services Mental Health.
His first observation is that mental health in the emergency service area is too often seen in black and white terms. If you are struggling, you are seen as either mad or sad. You are either suffering from PTSD and therefore unfit for duty or just a bit stressed and should just learn to cope.
As it stands now there are 800 police on long-term sick leave, with the majority suffering mental health injuries.
Too often the help is too late. Many cops won’t admit they are struggling because if they have mental health issues they will not be authorised to carry a gun, and if they cannot carry a firearm they are not considered operational. As the number of non-operational positions is limited, the next option is sick leave and potentially an exit as “unfit for duty”.
Peck says we have to be smarter and perform mental health maintenance rather than waiting for the emergency warning signs.
Emergency service workers should understand they work in a high-risk industry, and have a plan. “When you are well, develop a plan to stay well, such as exercise, diet and sleeping. Understand what to do if you are in a crisis, and if you are impacted know where to get help.”
Many cops who are drowning with stress cling to the job as a lifebelt when it has become an anchor. It is their life, but it is also killing them. One cop, Peck says, drove his car into a tree at 160km/h and somehow survived. “Later he said, ‘What was I thinking?’”
Peck says some cops fear if they put up their hand for help, they will be found unfit for duty and forced out.
“There are so many people like me who think, ‘I’ll fix my life and my family after the next job’.
“The signs can be obvious, but nothing is done until they fall over.”
Peck has helped emergency services workers recover to return to work or move on to a new chapter.
He uses his own experience to show there is life after policing, and has helped more than 200 cops leave with dignity to start afresh.
The Invisible Obvious by Tim Peck. Carlow Books $36.99.
If you or anyone you know needs support call Lifeline 131 114, or Beyond Blue 1300 224 636.
John Silvester lifts the lid on Australia’s criminal underworld. Subscribers can sign up to receive his Naked City newsletter every Thursday.