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Property development

Exposing councils with slow DA approval histories will spur reform

Exposing councils with slow DA approval histories will spur reform

The publication of a name and shame list of NSW councils dragging their heels on processing development applications should spur reform.

  • The Herald's View


Why the cookie-cutter can’t solve Sydney’s housing crisis

Why the cookie-cutter can’t solve Sydney’s housing crisis

Creating templated homes will degrade the suburbs further and leave councils and communities furious.

  • by Tone Wheeler
Sydney councils that drag heels on housing DA claim there are good reasons

Sydney councils that drag heels on housing DA claim there are good reasons

Councils pinged as the slowest in Sydney at assessing development applications say there are several reasons why they rank poorly on a new league table.

  • by Michael Koziol and Megan Gorrey
Nylex clock site a property saga that remains in limbo rather than making leaps and bounds

Nylex clock site a property saga that remains in limbo rather than making leaps and bounds

It’s one of Melbourne’s most prominent landmarks that was set for major redevelopment. But the most noticeable progress being made is graffiti.

  • by Tom Cowie
Collapse of $61m pub deal casts fresh gloom over Oxford Street

Collapse of $61m pub deal casts fresh gloom over Oxford Street

The two pubs were sold last year with grand plans to create an Ivy-style mega-complex on Taylor Square. Those prospects appear to be dashed.

  • by Michael Koziol, Carolyn Cummins and Ben Grubb
Life in a tight spot not for all, but Brisbane homes might be heading that way

Life in a tight spot not for all, but Brisbane homes might be heading that way

No longer backyard shoeboxes, granny flats could be mutually beneficial for struggling renters and homeowners.

  • by Courtney Kruk
Couple loses property fight after highway swallows $5.5 million dream

Couple loses property fight after highway swallows $5.5 million dream

Raymond and Wendy Dibb saw a chance to make money out of a small rural property. They were not planning on a $2.2 billion highway barrelling through their plans.

  • by Catherine Naylor
Sydney’s housing reforms have shaken up the city. There’s more to come

Sydney’s housing reforms have shaken up the city. There’s more to come

The premier says the need to get more homes built, particularly for young people, is not going to disappear any time soon.

  • by Christopher Harris
Revealed: The ‘missing middle’ Sydney housing changes delayed until after council elections

Revealed: The ‘missing middle’ Sydney housing changes delayed until after council elections

The major “stage 2” changes to permit more low- and mid-rise housing are now slated for the end of 2024 despite earlier indications they would be active by June.

  • by Michael Koziol
The country town that’s set to double in population

The country town that’s set to double in population

It’s a sleepy town just beyond Melbourne’s northern outskirts where geese stop traffic and there is a country feel – but a big change could be coming.

  • by Benjamin Preiss
How a new six-storey apartment block devolved into the ‘turd across the street’

How a new six-storey apartment block devolved into the ‘turd across the street’

In its six-year lifespan, 375 Punt Road was earmarked for housing and then a hotel. Now it’s an abandoned eyesore that is a magnet for vagrants and drug users.

  • by Tom Cowie