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Tax reform

How four Australians are going to spend their tax cuts

How four Australians are going to spend their tax cuts

People on different tax brackets tell us how they will spend their stage 3 cuts.

  • by Olivia Ireland, Lachlan Abbott and Jessica McSweeney


Value of stage 3 tax cuts will be gone soon after next election
Tax cuts

Value of stage 3 tax cuts will be gone soon after next election

Australians will start to see their pay packets improve from Monday as the stage 3 cuts begin, but more tax cuts are needed to stop tax rates climbing higher.

  • by Shane Wright
Political guts and policy muscle needed for true tax reform

Political guts and policy muscle needed for true tax reform

Voters are rightly fed up with the lack of vision for our economic future. 

  • The Herald's View
A budget forever in the red: Beating bracket creep will cost billions

A budget forever in the red: Beating bracket creep will cost billions

Without big spending cuts or tax increases, the budget faces “forever” deficits if governments try to deliver further tax cuts to working Australians.

  • by Shane Wright
End the creep: Former RBA expert backs annual tax relief for millions

End the creep: Former RBA expert backs annual tax relief for millions

Luci Ellis, Westpac’s chief economist, says there’s a big case for increasing tax thresholds each year. Without end, taxes will keep rising forever.

  • by Shane Wright
Chalmers’ budget is suffering from tobacco withdrawal

Chalmers’ budget is suffering from tobacco withdrawal

Big tobacco excise increases have been used to boost the budget bottom line. But fewer smokers, more vapers and a burgeoning black market are killing the tax cash cow.

  • by Shane Wright and Natassia Chrysanthos
Victoria’s new tax is driving landlords out. But is that a bad thing?

Victoria’s new tax is driving landlords out. But is that a bad thing?

It has become easy for landlords and real estate agents to point to the recently expanded land tax as a reason for spiking rents. But it’s more complicated.

  • by Jim Malo
The Chinese giants that have set off alarm bells in the US

The Chinese giants that have set off alarm bells in the US

A flood of small packages driven by companies like Shein and Temu is causing Washington big headaches.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The expert case for the government to go beyond stage 3 tax cuts

The expert case for the government to go beyond stage 3 tax cuts

The stage 3 tax cuts start on July 1, but experts say Treasurer Jim Chalmers should go further to protect workers from bracket creep.

  • by Shane Wright
The GST system is broken and Scott Morrison’s fix has only made things worse

The GST system is broken and Scott Morrison’s fix has only made things worse

Every Australian’s life is affected by how the GST is allocated. But the latest carve-up of cash shows the entire system is broken and needs fixing now.

  • by Shane Wright
A bunch of bunchers – how people tweak their income to sneak below the tax rates

A bunch of bunchers – how people tweak their income to sneak below the tax rates

New research has revealed Australia is filled with people who use trusts and other quirks to pick their tax rate as wage earners pay full freight.

  • by Shane Wright